创造数字资产 & 兼容的可访问性



Digital equity helps to ensure all individuals and communities have the 信息 technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, 民主, 和经济. 与此同时, 易访问性是指确保产品, 服务, 信息, and technologies are designed and implemented in a way that allows all individuals to access and use them with equal ease and effectiveness. 它包括消除障碍和提供便利,以确保包容性, 确保每个人, 不管他们的处境或能力如何, 能完全独立地参与mg官方游戏中心的数字世界吗.

可访问性 goes beyond mere compliance; it embodies the spirit of inclusivity. 每一天, 残疾人遇到了数字障碍, 阻碍他们获取网上信息和服务. 作为用户倡导者, 考虑所有用户是mg官方游戏中心的道德和职业责任, 确保他们享受无缝和直观的在线体验.


根据世界卫生组织, 世界上15%的人口患有残疾, 这个数字预计还会上升. 仅在美国, 大约25%的成年人患有残疾, 不考虑情境限制. Temporary and situational constraints can affect anyone; sudden injuries, 互联网连接缓慢或断断续续, 甚至嘈杂的环境也会造成需要克服的障碍. Understanding the diversity and frequency of these common circumstances is a vital first step in understanding the effects of accessibility and creating a road to digital equity.

不同的残疾需要不同的解决方案, 幸运的是, 现有的监管框架提供了初步指导方针和最佳实践.

  • 《MG游戏登录网页》第508条(美国法典第29条).S.C. 794d) mandates that agencies provide individuals with disabilities equal access to electronic 信息 and data, 与没有残疾的人相当, 除非负担过重.

  • WCAG 2.1/2.2概述如何使网页内容更容易被各种残疾人士访问, 包括视觉, 听觉, 物理, 演讲, 认知, 语言, 学习, 以及神经损伤.

尽管存在可访问性标准,但许多人都在努力满足这些标准. WebAIM在2023年的一项分析显示,这个数字是惊人的96.3%的网站没有达到WCAG 2.0标准, 常见的故障包括低对比度文本, 缺少图像的替代文本, 和空链接.

除了道德上的要求, 如果企业忽视了15%到25%的人口,就会错失机会. This percentage is projected to rise “due to demographic trends and increases in chronic health conditions” according to the World Health Organization. 事实上, “almost everyone is likely to experience some form of disability – temporary or permanent – at some point in life”, potentially prohibiting or inhibiting the ability to conduct and/or navigate basic essential digital tasks.

存在帮助残疾用户的法律, 但可访问的功能可以增强更广泛用户的体验, 为所有人带来好处.


包容性设计营造了一个更加友好和包容的数字环境. By considering diverse needs and abilities, you create a better online experience for everyone. 这里有一些优先考虑可访问性的方法可以改善你的产品

  • 成本效益: 主动访问减少了返工成本, 因为无法进入的产品可能需要重新制作以满足508标准

  • 用户满意度: 提供简单而愉快的体验能够培养用户的忠诚度

    • Havas’ Meaningful 品牌 study shows us that customers prefer companies that align with their values. 优先考虑可访问性的品牌产生更高的关键绩效指标(kpi)

  • 人才保留: 吸引并留住多元化的员工队伍. A 2021 CNBC/SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey showed that nearly 80% of workers want to work for a company that values diversity, 公平与包容.

  • 创新: 通过无障碍标准推动全行业创新

  • 搜索引擎优化: 可访问性 helps search engine algorithms understand the content better and improves searchability

  • 利润最大化: Accessible design improves the experience for all users, leading to increased revenue and sales

    • 乐购是一家跨国杂货和杂货零售商, 根据乐购公司年度回顾的数据, http://Tesco.com 销售额从2000年的5200万英镑增长到2001年的2.35亿英镑, 在所有在线服务中都建立了可访问性之后

Embracing digital accessibility not only fosters a more inclusive and user-friendly online environment but also yields a range of key advantages. 在莫泽, we understand the value of accessibility and its importance as part of the user experience. mg官方游戏中心利用这些知识来寻求最佳解决方案,以实现您的业务目标.


在莫泽, mg官方游戏中心知道用户体验直接影响产品的成功, 从客户满意度和保留率到品牌形象和市场竞争力. 


在Moser的许多项目中, a glaring gap was observed – a deficiency in firsthand knowledge regarding how individuals with visual impairments engage with applications. 这包括他们与屏幕阅读器的互动, 盲文读者, 以及无法访问的应用程序所带来的挑战. Moser recognized this as an opportunity to bridge this knowledge gap and embarked on a mission to forge a meaningful partnership with a local school.

This strategic collaboration was designed to impart firsthand knowledge and insights to Moser's leadership, 设计师, 开发人员, 产品负责人. 在这个合作过程中, Moser发起了一项全面的可用性研究, 直接与依赖无障碍技术的用户互动. 通过这种努力, 深刻的理解出现了, shedding light on the real-world impact of applications on these individuals and the significant barriers that inaccessibility can pose to those who depend on them.

This partnership not only enhanced Moser's understanding but also underscored its commitment to ensuring that its projects are not just functional but genuinely accessible, 从而为更具包容性的数字环境做出贡献.


莫泽对一家州法院网站进行了全面的无障碍评估, 采用包含自动化测试的多方面方法, 手动检查, 用户访谈. This holistic methodology was instrumental in facilitating a meticulous evaluation of the application.

尽管该网站最初在自动和手动评估方面都存在缺陷, 值得注意的是,用户的抱怨少之又少, 包括一个视力受损的人. 在进行用户访谈时, it came to light that this particular user had developed an intricate understanding of the system and devised personalized workarounds over time. This revelation underscored the paramount importance of framing precise inquiries and deciphering user responses to ensure the applications true accessibility.

为广大用户提高可访问性, Moser与客户建立了合作伙伴关系,以完善网站的设计. 遵循通用设计原则和WCAG和Section 508指南, we designed a solution that not only streamlined the process for users but also ensured that development complexity was low so that it wouldn’t impact their budget.

To guarantee that the website was fully compliant with Section 508 and WCAG standards post-development, Moser使用自动和手动测试进行了二次审核, 确认没有任何新老问题.


Moser inherited an application plagued by well-documented WCAG and Section 508 compliance issues. 为了打破这个循环, Moser动员了由产品负责人组成的scrum团队, 开发人员, scrum master, 质量保证, and 设计师 to ensure accessibility was integrated seamlessly from the conceptualization phase through deployment.

为了保证无障碍,Moser实施了一系列有效的策略. Developers were equipped with new tools that enabled them to conduct spot tests on newly developed features, 能够立即识别和纠正可访问性问题. 还介绍了一个全面的QA套件, 将可访问性评估作为质量保证过程的一个组成部分.

Moser also prioritized accessibility in the design phase by verifying color contrast ratios and adhering to universal design principles. 此外, Moser fostered a culture of accessibility by affording employees opportunities to pursue certifications in accessibility from renowned organizations such as W3C and Section 508. This multifaceted approach reflects Moser's commitment to eradicating accessibility barriers and fostering a more inclusive digital landscape.


Digital accessibility is not just a moral obligation; it's a strategic imperative. 通过拥抱包容性, 组织可以扩大他们的用户基础, 降低法律风险, 促进创新. Moser's dedication to accessibility exemplifies its commitment to creating a digital world that accommodates all users, 不管他们的能力如何. It's time to unlock the power of accessibility for a brighter, more inclusive digital future. Choose Moser to be your partner in creating accessible and user-friendly digital experiences for all.

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