商业发展迅速: 但跟上意味着行动更聪明,而不是更快

Moser的业务服务专家有这方面的知识, certifications and experience to provide guidance on even the most complicated IT projects. We have a proven track-record of successful IT transformation in government, 医疗, 银行, 制造业, 以及其他行业.


与许多IT公司不同,在MG游戏登录网页mg官方游戏中心不仅仅是填补座位. We understand that every organization has its own unique business culture, methods, and challenges. If you need a consultant full time at your business to help you implement the solutions we provide, mg官方游戏中心会进行仔细的审查, 包括你的管理人员的面试, to find the best candidate who will not only meet your needs but who will also be a great fit for your organization.


安全形势势不可挡. 你确定你的系统受到保护了吗?

了解更多 about our two security offerings that help you get started and create actionable reports with real world paths to improvement.


If the power goes out in your building and badge readers don’t work, who has keys? 

为意外做好准备是IT成功的关键. 具有灾难恢复计划和业务连续性计划, you will be able identify potential threats and develop a comprehensive strategy that can help your organization stay one step ahead of any crisis situation. Take action now so you're prepared for not only cyber attacks, but natural disasters and more. Our process will leave you with an actionable report full of practical solutions. 


Are you sure your Cybersecurity claim will be paid out if you experience a loss? 

Don't let the ever-changing landscape of cyber insurance catch you off guard. The process can be complicated and if your servers aren’t up to date or protocols are not followed, insurers could easily deny claims - leaving businesses exposed both financially and digitally. 幸运的是, Moser的网络安全评估服务, 避开这些潜在的财务陷阱很容易. We will help interpret your insurance requirements and assess your systems and processes for compliance.  



项目管理/ Scrum敏捷

项目管理对于确保您的项目, 大或小, 是否有效和高效地交付. Our Project Managers have experience utilizing industry standard project management methodologies, processes and procedures that drive consistency and efficiency for their clients. mg官方游戏中心有交付大数据的经验, 基础设施, 系统/应用程序迁移和升级, 商业领域项目.


MG游戏登录网页's Business 分析 服务 are designed to holistically assess an organization's operations and identify opportunities for improvement. Our team of experienced business analysts will work through the 4 key phases of Discovery, 分析, Findings and Recommendations to define and support a cycle of continuous improvement that optimizes processes and maximizes value for the business. 通过与Moser咨询公司合作, clients can expect an objective analysis of their business processes and systems, as well as recommendations for facilitating change and achieving long-term success.


Quality assurance is an integral part of software development at every stage of the process. MG游戏登录网页’s software testing practices are context-driven – we focus on your key performance indicators to develop a quality engineering strategy to ensure they are met and that the resulting deliverable will meet your needs.

审计 & 合规(安全)

One of the greatest assets of any organization – and the hardest to protect – is its data. MG游戏登录网页 has proven industry experience in both the government and private sectors in designing systems to keep data safe and is ready to help you build a more secure computing environment for your business.


Moser 学习 specializes in training programs that address the issues found at the intersection of human development and IT technology.

Moser 学习设计并提供商业学习体验, 项目管理专业, 领导, 和团队. Because we believe that training is often just part of the solution to business problems, we incorporate TTI Success Insights assessment tools and a huge array of 服务 and products to help your employees become more productive. mg官方游戏中心根据您的特殊需要灵活地提供服务.


  • Discover expert insights on Jira, Confluence, and other Atlassian products.

  • 学习高效项目管理的最佳实践.

  • 从经验丰富的专业人士那里获得建议和技巧.

mg官方游戏中心一直在寻找顶尖的IT专业人士. 体验屡获殊荣的文化在莫泽!



S3E4:你不能拼写项目经理没有NAG -丽贝卡·鲁斯

Becky Luth joins us this week to explain that while you can't spell Project Manager without the word NAG, a PM's job is much more focused on accountability and the free flow of 信息 to all involved parties. We also learn to decipher some of those initials we see behind our colleagues' names as we discuss the various certification options that are available for professional training and growth.
